John Cotton

Software developer for mobile and web.

FAQs and other useful information

If you have other questions, please contact me.

  • What type of programming do you do?

    Full Stack! I make mobile apps for iOS and Android and dynamic web applications, API's, and informational websites for businesses.

  • What kind of company would be ideal to work for?

    I'm interested in a place where I can participate on a strong team and product that I can be passionate about.

  • What is your dream job?

    I have endless creativity and love to work. AKA Programming is my dream job.

  • What do you do when not working?

    I'm a happy husband and dad to two little girls. I also make electronic music as No Thank You John, and produce documentaries.

  • Is it true that you won an Emmy Award?

    Yes. I won an Emmy for my work on From The Streets to The Stage: The Journey of Fredrick Davis, a PBS documentary.

Ask a question
  • Case Study: Mark

    A native solution for iOS and Android to help filmmakers and video producers synchronize audio and stay organized.

    Designed in Sketch 3 and built for iOS using XCode and Swift 3, Then replicated natively in Android Studio with Java.

  • iPad Image

Get Mark for iOS and Android.

Responsive Design

60% of web traffic is mobile. Why not make the experience great?

iPhone App
  • Macbook Image
  • Utility that empowers

    I've helped clients increase their site utility with Content Management, CRM integration, and Search Engine Optimization.

I take my experience and creativity from a storytelling perspective and merge them with a curiosity and passion for coding to make viable solutions to serve human beings.

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